Brrrr! It’s really, really cold at the moment for a lot of us, isn’t it? Any of you noticed any sluggishness when using your iPhone? You know — because it doesn’t work so well at under zero degrees? Well, now it seems Finland’s Consumer Agency thinks this means users are entitled to their money back.

The clarification comes from the Finland’s Consumer Agency, as reported by Finnish news agency (Via: The Register). Finnish iPhone users have been annoyed because their iDevices haven’t been working, so are entitled to a refund, consumer champions say. While they agree there’s a warning about operations at low temperature in the small print, in future the fact it won’t work at zero degrees needs to be made clear at point of sale.

Finland’s Consumer Agency is also preparing questions for Apple about how it trains its staff, and how badly the iPhone breaks down when it gets cold. — Not to neglect that most iPhones work fine at low temperatures — but consumer champs need to protect the taxpayers…

Who is Finland’s biggest taxpayer? That’ll be Nokia.