The Fire Emblem series is filled with a large and varied cast filled with diverse characters with truly unique personalities. No two are alike and that makes the series a fantastic place to look when one is wanting to figure out exactly what makes a person belong in each of the four houses that make up Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Today we will be sorting the main characters of several different games from the Fire Emblem series into their proper Hogwarts houses. We will be sorting them based on their traits as well as their values and core motivations in order to get the most accurate idea of their perfect Hogwarts house.

Shadows of Valentia: Celica- Hufflepuff

Celica is a person driven by her own heart. The consequences of her every action must be considered before they are carried out. She must consider how these actions will affect those she cares about (but it is important to note that she herself is not taken into consideration at all.)

She is also trusting to a fault (and that trust leads to her own downfall.) There is a good and bad side to every house and, in this case, Celica, though a truly wonderful person, finds herself undone by her emotional and trusting nature. Gryffindors need to look before they leap, Ravenclaw’s need to take a break, Slytherin’s need to think of others, and Hufflepuff’s need to think of themselves.

Sacred Stones: Ephriam- Slytherin

At first glance, Ephriam seems a lot like Hector (explored further in the next entry) but subtle differences in motivation divide the two. Everything Ephriam does is done in order to sait his personal ambitions.

And though the quest for self-improvement does seem like a rather Gryffindor-esk trait on the surface, his motivations are entirely focused on the ambitious goal at the end of the road rather than on the good that it could bring those around him. He is also known for his cunning nature. We appreciate having good-natured people in Slytherin.

Blazing Sword: Hector- Gryffindor

Hector is one of the most textbook Gryffindor characters outside of the Harry Potter series itself. He is brash, he is bold, and has a very strong belief that he is truly invincible (which has yet to be proven wrong.)

Hector is known for rushing into the fray without a second thought and is even brings his weapons on vacation with him. Not out of a practical desire for training or defense, just out of his own enjoyment of the objects.

Radiant Dawn: Micaiah- Hufflepuff

There is a term for characters who can easily fit into two different houses and provide a bit of difficulty sorting. They are called “Hat Stalls” because they hold up the sorting hat while he takes his time to make the proper decision. Micaiah is one of these characters as she fits both into Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

We were drawn towards Ravenclaw due to her ability to avoid conflict as such things require tactic and intelligence. However, her empathy, trusting nature, and loyalty seemed to be far more dominant traits and they seemed to motivate her actions far more than the need to avoid a fight.

Awakening: Robin- Ravenclaw

Robin is calculating, logical, and haunted by the faults of his past. He has no capacity for self-forgiveness and he scrutinizes his past actions for all of the illogical behaviours held within them and imagines alternative situations where he did not make such errors.

Though we often seek to find characters who break their house stereotypes while still fitting in to said house, it is important to note that some people do fit the stereotype. Robin is a typical cold, logical, and fact-driven Ravenclaw.

Sword of Seals: Roy- Gryffindor

Some characters are rather difficult to sort as they possess traits that can be seen in multiple houses and one could justifiably argue for either one. Roy is not one of those characters. Roy is a natural leader who is both inspiring and trustworthy. People tend to follow where he leads.

Though he can be rather prone to bouts of self-doubt, he has a reliable group of friends that he can lean on in order to boost his spirits. He values all of the bonds he has ever made, old or new, and never hesitates to add another friend to his team.

Shadows of Valentia: Alm- Gryffindor

Alm is a Gryffindor through and through. He is the type of boy who dives into danger head first without questioning the consequences that might befall him or thinking of a plan B. He has a strong need for adventure and escaped his town without a concrete plan as to where he would go from there.

Alm would never back down from a challenge and is not the type to think twice, or even once, about something. Though he can find himself in a bit of hot water by putting his foot in his mouth, his lovable good-natured self can get him out of almost any trouble he finds himself in.

Shadow Dragon: Caeda- Hufflepuff

Caeda is a force to be reckoned with but is also the kind of girl that everyone would love to have on their team. She is playful, in touch with her inner child, joyful, and brave. She is the kind of person that puts the needs of her loved ones ahead of her own and would rather she herself, come to harm than see them suffer in away way. That kind of selflessness is rarely seen in this world but is abundant in house Hufflepuff.

Though one could just as easily have sorted her into Gryffindor, due to her daring and bold nature, it was her incomparable selflessness that wound up earning her a spot amongst the Hufflepuffs on this list.

Three Houses: Edelgard- Slytherin

Edelgard is a girl who is driven entirely by both her ideals and ambition. She has given herself the task of changing the world because she believes she is the only one right for the job and okay with the cost of the wars in which she has caused.

Though Slytherin house is not entirely made up of evil people and villains, some villains do belong in the house based on the traits which they possess and their core motivations. We are not sorting her into Slytherin because she is a villainous character but rather because of who she is as a person. The villainy is merely a coincidence.

Path of Radiance: Ike- Hufflepuff

Ike is known for his hardworking nature, inability to understand the prejudice that exists in the world and the people around him, and has a fierce need to disprove the criticism sent his way while still maintaining his humble nature. He is also known for being quite direct when expressing himself as he values the honesty that comes from such things.

Ike is a Hufflepuff through and through. From his modesty and his kind heart to his inability to let a job sit uncomplete, he is the poster boy for the Hufflepuff house. But you would never catch him bragging about it.

Next: Hogwarts Houses of AHS: 1984 Characters