Firefly may have only gotten one season (and a movie…and lots of comics) but it’s a series that latched onto our hearts and refused to let go. And that’s part of the reason why fans are still talking about it all of these years later. And why we’re still making memes about it.

And you’ve got to admit, there are some pretty hilarious memes out there surrounding Firefly. The crew alone makes for plenty of opportunities to jokes and amusement. And we’re gone ahead and collected ten of our favorite memes that we consider to be some of the funniest. So we’d advise against drinking while reading this list. Unless you enjoy spit takes.

Feminine And A Badass

There are a lot of reasons to love this first Firefly meme. For one thing, it’s a Firefly meme, and that automatically makes it awesome. For another, it’s making a really good point! A character really can be both feminine AND a badass. And if you’ve got a problem with that statement, then you feel free to take it up with Malcolm Reynolds. Though we don’t think we’ll be seeing you again.

Also, let’s be honest here: ‘I swear by my pretty, floral bonnet…I will end you’ is one of the best lines of the entire series.

Childhood Is Complicated

Yes, childhood is in fact quite complicated. It’s complicated even at the best of times. But when your sister’s a ship? Yeah that would probably increase the complications by several factors.

Yes, we know that River wasn’t actually a ship. But you’ve got to admit that Simon handled the whole situation with a surprising amount of poise. And the end result was a whole bunch of quotes that fans just fell in love with. This was one of several that came out of this episode. All are worthy of memes.

Jayne and Vera

Jayne Cobb is not a man you want to mess with. Nor do you want to make him so angry as to make him bring out Vera. Seriously, just don’t do it. You won’t live to regret it (we mean it). But back to the meme at hand; Jayne adores his guns, but no gun more than Vera.

And apparently that puts him in the running for being a better romance than Twilight. To many fans that isn’t much of a comparison. But it’s still enough to get us laughing! But seriously, these jokes will never get old. And we just love that Firefly has been thrown into the mix.

Studio Logic

There’s nothing worse than getting absolutely hooked on a new TV show, only for it to be canceled after the first season. Fans of Firefly know that pain all too well. And it leaves us to wonder about the logic behind that decision.

After all, some series don’t really take off until a season to two. Look at the following behind Firefly; does it really seem like cancellation was the right call? Obviously, as fans of the series, we’re biased, but it still doesn’t feel right. And thus we love this meme for pointing all of that out. Oh! And don’t forget how Firefly ended. It’s no wonder we got together and demanded a movie from the series.

There Are Some Rivers You Don’t Want to Cross

There has never been a more accurate statement. River Tam is one of the biggest badasses of the Firefly universe – even if she doesn’t even remotely look like it ninety percent of the time. But that doesn’t change the fact that she is not a person you want to tick off. Nor do you want to threaten those she loves. Seriously, that’s just a fast way to dive.

Fans will remember that iconic scene in Serenity in which she destroyed a bunch of Revers. Or the time she hit Jayne in the nuts. Either way, there’s little doubt that she’s a tough character to do battle with.

Swear Words

There are times when swearing is appropriate. That is just a rule of the universe. It’s also a rule that Simon Tam had to learn the hard way. Life on Serenity was not always cool and calm – especially not while trying to take care of River, or trying to get away safely from another dangerous job.

And thus Simon learned to ration his swears. It’s a feeling we can all sympathize with. After all, there really are moments that call for a swear or two, even if you’re not normally the type to do so. And that’s why this meme is making us laugh so hard. That and Simon’s face, which is pretty priceless.

Tell Me More

So this is an interesting situation. Normally everyone around us is either also already a fan of Firefly, or completely sick of hearing about it. Finding somebody interested in getting into it for the first time? That hasn’t happened in a while.

Granted, the average person isn’t going to get a chance to talk to Darth Vader about Firefly, and that’s probably for the best. Odds are pretty good that Vader would turn around and kill them, once he got hooked and found out that there’s only one season (plus a movie).

Firefly Alignment Chart

Alignment charts are always fun to see, so naturally, we were super excited to find one talking about the crew of Serenity. Regardless of if you agree with it, you’ve got to admit that this is an interesting chart to take a peek at.

We especially love that the creator took the time to add quotes from each and every character. These quotes are basically the justification for their alignment (“It’s okay to leave them to die”). That extra step is much appreciated and adds a few more amusing moments as well.

They’re The Same Picture

Okay, seriously, somebody help us out here. Why are there two pictures of Kaylee in the top image? But really, we understand what is really happening here, we swear. Though we’re happy to see that somebody else out there had the same thought as us.

Kaylee was such a fun and iconic character. So we understand why people have potentially recreated her character in other worlds. Or how we might just be seeing her in other characters that were not intentionally based on her.

And to be fair, both of the characters pictured here are pretty awesome, and very useful to have around. Especially if you have a tendency to break things.

When Was The Last Time You Were Really Happy?

Ouch. This meme hits way too close to home, don’t you think? We love it, but still. Ouch. This meme asks the hard questions in life: when was the last time that you were truly happy?

And all Firefly fans will answer very simply: back before the series was canceled. And to be honest, can you blame us there?