Apple has long had a presence in Israel through acquired companies and official office space, but the company has yet to open an Apple Store in the country.

Israeli financial newspaper Globes reports that could soon change, however, as Apple is said to be in preliminary talks with a local mall to open the first Apple Store in Israel.

Per the Google Translation, Apple may be eyeing space in a new mall coming to Azrieli Sarona Tower in Tel Aviv:

For its part, the Azrieli Mall Group declined to comment on the rumor when asked by Globes.

Customers in Israel currently rely on two third-party vendors for buying Apple products in person — iDigital and iStore — in addition to carrier partners, so an official Apple Store presence has been needed for a while.

If the report of preliminary talks are accurate, though, it will likely be years before we see an Apple Store open in Israel. Turnaround time between initial talks and new stores opening tends to be a slow process.

Related Stories:

  • Inside Apple’s new offices in Herzliya, Israel [Gallery]
  • Apple sponsoring ‘Machine Vision Conference’ in Israel, will lead discussion on the iPhone X’s True Depth system
  • Apple teases grand opening of second store in Macau with aquatic-themed signage

H/T Genady, top image via Wikipedia