Update: We checked in for a few minutes but guess what? No bars on AT&T.   Here’s the video that we missed.

Tonight, Apple will produce its first-ever live event streamed to the iPhone: a concert by the electronica band Underworld.  Head to iphone.akamai.com or underworldlive.com to queue up. The show starts at midnight Eastern US time and the stream is free. 

The broadcast is thought to be a test/showcase for Apple’s new HTTP streaming protocol which uses adaptive bitrates to deliver a continuous smooth stream in varying network conditions.  “Varying conditions” are often the case when on 3G networks like AT&T’s.  Speaking of which, don’t expect to be able to make a call during the show tonight if the word gets out (Retweet!). 

Underworld’s Karl Hyde and Rick Smith profess to being huge Apple fans and recently released their entire catalog on iTunes. Apple is using partners at Inlet Technologies and Akamai to power tonight’s show.

Underworld – Born Slippy Nuxx http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=4476241,t=1,mt=video