Today we’ve seen leaked screenshots of the application, and have learned that a future version of the Nike+ software will integrate support for Google Maps inside its in-development application for the iPhone. “We’ve known that Nike+ has long been in development for the iPhone. Now we’re finally getting a peek at the first shots of the interface. From what we can skim, Nike+ users will get all of the nifty performance graphs right on the phone,” Gizmodo says, revealing the plans. We’re already imagining that the new support may even extend to GPS, meaning teams of runners will conceivable be able to race against each other while keeping track of their position in the field. We’re also curious as to the social networking features that may, or may not, debut in the future device – will friends and family be able to watch your progress as you run through their computer? Oh yes, even the most athletic reader shouldn’t hold their breath for the release of this application – iPhone France (which revealed the shots) says the software is still unstable.