Streets of Rage 4, the latest from the minds at Dotemu, Lizardcube and Guard Crush Games (known for Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap) is a stylish beat-em-up that Sega has put its name to. The game was announced last year, and it’s been over 10 years since the last Streets of Rage game, so anticipation has been building up to the recent release of the Streets of Rage 4 gameplay trailer.

Streets of Rage 4 is the long-awaited sequel to the 1994 hit Streets of Rage 3, and the franchise first kicked off on the Sega Genesis which is coincidentally being revived by the company this fall with 8o preloaded titles. From what we’ve seen so far, it’s going to employ the same retro aesthetic that was the hallmark of design back in the day when the original titles came out. It looks like the Streets of Rage 4 gameplay trailer also insinuates that the game’s mechanics are going to stay faithful to its predecessors’ as well.

The official Dotemu YouTube channel has now released the Streets of Rage 4 gameplay trailer for those who were jonesing to get a look at the title’s retro assets in action after the screenshots that were teased late last year. It shows off an interesting soundtrack and the titular characters of Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding doing what they do best: kicking ass and taking names. The movesets of both characters are shown off in the footage as well, with what looked like aerial maneuvers, juggling, and tag-team mechanics that involve enemies being shunted between the different playable characters for a beating.

The Streets of Rage 4 gameplay trailer was definitely short but sweet, and it has probably left fans with a whole lot of questions alongside the satisfaction of knowing how slick the title currently looks even while still in development. Whether there will be more playable characters other than Blaze and Axel is currently uncertain, and it’s also important to note that there hasn’t really been any showing off regarding the game’s actual mechanics and UI beyond what you’ll look like when executing some sick moves. It’s a good way for the developers to whet the appetite for the title, if nothing else.

There’s still a lot that we don’t actually know about Streets of Rage 4. It’s not entirely certain which platforms the game is actually going to be released on, and there’s also no news on when the title will be ready. While the gameplay trailer shows off a little bit, it doesn’t quite look like enough is ready for public viewing in order for the game to be out any time soon this year. That being said, the Streets of Rage 4 gameplay trailer definitely looks stylish, and it’ll be interesting to find out more about the title in the lead up to its release.

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Source: Dotemu/YouTube