Magnolia Pictures and CNN Films today debuted the first trailer for the upcoming biographical film centered around Steve Jobs. “Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine” was originally premiered earlier this year at SXSW and is spearheaded by director Alex Gibney and executive producer Gaby Darbyshire, who is the former Chief Operating Officer of Gawker Media.

Darbyshire headed up Gawker legal when the media company’s subsidiary Gizmodo bought the iPhone 4 that was “left at the bar” and would have been at the center of the controversy that surrounded the subsequent firestorm with Apple and then CEO Steve Jobs.

When debuted at SXSW earlier this year, the film was met with a considerable amount of criticism from Apple employees and executives. During the premiere, it was said that Apple employees in attendance walked out due to their displeasure with how Jobs was portrayed. Apple declined to have any involvement in the film and Eddy Cue took to Twitter to voice his frustration.

While the trailer starts out with Jobs introducing the iPhone, seemingly in a positive portrayal, the second half of the trailer is far more negative and dark, focusing on the behind the scenes antics of Jobs. We broke down some of the main focuses of the film earlier this year following its SXSW debut.

Very disappointed in SJ:Man in the Machine. An inaccurate and mean-spirited view of my friend. It’s not a reflection of the Steve I knew.

— Eddy Cue (@cue) March 16, 2015


The film is set to hit select theaters on September 4th (via Mashable) and will also be released on iTunes and on-demand.