Asus Zephyrus series is a premium gaming series of laptops from Asus. They provide top of the line specs for a gaming laptop priced slightly above the budget gaming laptops. But imagine getting an Asus laptop, and it fails to turn on when you press the power button.

Some Asus Zephyrus users have complained about their laptop not turning on when they try to power it up. The reason behind it could be related to hardware or software. Some users were able to get their laptops working after trying a few tricks, and here in this article, we will discuss all of them. So without any further ado, let’s get into it.

Fix: Asus Zephyrus laptop not turning on

If you are one of those unfortunate owners of an Asus Zephyrus laptop whose PC won’t turn on no matter how many times you press the power button, this article will help you out. Here, we have listed all the possible solutions that have fixed this issue for many Asus Zephyrus laptops owners.

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Hard reset:

  • Firstly, remove the battery and the AC power adapter from your laptop; disconnect the power cord line. If your computer does not have a removable battery, keep the battery in place and remove the AC adapter.
  • Press and hold the power button for 40 seconds.
  • Re-install the battery and connect the AC adapter again.
  • Then try to restart your laptop.

If the problem persists, try the next solution mentioned below.

Solution if the power light stays off:

This solution is for users who do not see the power light on the sides turning on even after pressing the power button. The screen not turning on and the power light also not turning on means there is a problem with the power supply itself. In that case, try the solutions mentioned below.

  • Please ensure that you are using the power cord and the power adapter with the laptop. Third-party adapters mostly do not work with Asus Zephyrus laptops.
  • Make sure that the plug is not loose at any ends. The cable connecting to the laptop and the line connecting from the power socket to the adapter are firmly connected.
  • Disconnect all portable external devices like USB devices, memory cards, HDMI cables, etc., connected to your computer when trying to turn it on. You can connect them later once the laptop is up and running.
  • Open the laptop and check whether the hard drive or memory has expanded. If there are expansions, replace the parts and then try again.

Solution if the power light turns on:

This solution is for users who see the power light on the sides turning on after pressing the power button. The screen not turning on and the power light turning on means there is no problem with the power supply. In that case, try the solutions mentioned below.

  • Press the Fn + F7 keys to turn on/off the display. If it was turned off for some reason, it should be turned on now. Please check with the manual what are the hotkeys for turning the display on or off. Different models have different buttons assigned to them.
  • Press the Fn + F6 keys to adjust your display’s brightness levels. If the brightness is too low, increasing it might help with your problem. Please check with the manual what are the hotkeys for adjusting the brightness. Different models have different buttons assigned to them.
  • Connect your laptop to an external monitor and press Fn + F8 to toggle between the laptop displays. Please check with the manual the hotkeys for toggling between the displays. Different models have different buttons assigned to them. If the desktop loads up on an external monitor, the problem is with your laptop screen.
  • The problem with your laptop screen could be related to graphics drivers. Zephyrus laptops come with dedicated and integrated graphics built into the machine. You need to download the drivers for your Zephyrus model from Asus’s website. Once you download the graphics drivers, install them on your laptop and restart your computer. You can do this with the external monitor connected to your computer. Ignore this solution if the desktop does not load even on an external monitor.
  • Disconnect all portable external devices like USB devices, memory cards, HDMI cables, etc., connected to your computer when trying to turn it on. You can connect them later once the laptop is up and running.
  • Open the laptop and check whether the hard drive or memory has expanded. If there are expansions, replace the parts and then try again.
  • Press Windows Key + Ctrl + Shift + B to reset the display settings.

Solution when the screen turns on but the desktop does not appear:

This solution is for users who see the display turning on after pressing the power button, but the desktop does not load after that. This is related to graphics drivers.

  • To install the latest graphics drivers, you need to boot into Safe mode.
  • Then need to download the graphics drivers for your Zephyrus model from Asus’s website. Once you download the graphics drivers, install them on your laptop and restart your computer.

So these are all the solutions you can try to fix the problem with your Asus Zephyrus laptop not turning on. If none of the above solutions worked for you, you need to take your laptop to an Asus authorized service centre. If your computer is under warranty, you should get it fixed without cost.

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